GOV 24.36 What kind of intelligence do you have?

Seeking better ways of studying a subject of any interest?

Multiple Intelligence cartoon

Whatever you are learning, see how you might connect it with using several approaches of Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence.

You don’t have to learn something in all eight ways, just see what the possibilities are, and then decide which particular pathways interest you the most, or seem to be the most effective learning tool.

1.  Click on the quiz below and see what are your results.


Bello’s Results!
Bello’s Results – the second time

2.  Record all your percentages in the following link.


3.  Find your top 3 corresponding profiles below and learn more about your learning styles.

Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence-body smart

Interpersonal intelligence-people smart

Intrapersonal intelligence-self smart

Linguistic intelligence-word smart

Logical-mathematical intelligence – number/reasoning smart

Musical intelligence-music smart

Naturalist intelligence-nature smart

Spatial intelligence-picture smart


ARTICLE (October 15, 2018):
Multiple Intelligences Theory: Widely Used, Yet Misunderstood
One of the most popular ideas in education is applied in ways that its creator never intended.

In this brief introductory video, Howard Gardner discusses the origin, purpose, and future goals of the Multiple Intelligence Oasis website. Watch the video now and let Howard Gardner welcome you to this new, vibrant community for teachers, parents, policymakers and everyone else interested in MI Theory!

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