How and where did democracy develop? This animated timeline starts in ancient Greece, and winds through the Roman Empire, Middle Ages, via the French Revolution to modern times.
How and where did democracy develop? This animated timeline starts in ancient Greece, and winds through the Roman Empire, Middle Ages, via the French Revolution to modern times.
Counting non-stop (everyday, day and night),
Below is undebatable 1 minute = 60 seconds 1 hour = 60 minutes 1 day = 24 hours 1 year = 365 days |
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Counting non-stop (everyday, day and night),
Below is undebatable 1 minute = 60 seconds 1 hour = 60 minutes 1 day = 24 hours 1 year = 365 days |
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Reflect on the significance of this number when you run across it in your readings…
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Úrsula Hilaria Celia de la Caridad Cruz Alfonso de la Santísima Trinidad
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sat·ire (noun)
1.the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
synonyms: mockery, ridicule, derision, scorn, caricature
2. a play, novel, film, or other work which uses satire.
synonyms: parody, burlesque, caricature, lampoon, skit, takeoff, squib, travesty
3. a genre of literature characterized by the use of satire.
4. (in Latin literature) a literary miscellany, especially a poem ridiculing prevalent vices or follies
Cali Fair (Spanish: La Feria de Cali) is a cultural event held in Cali, Colombia from December 25 to December 30. It is a celebration of the region’s cultural identity, famous for the Salsa marathon, horse riding parades and dance parties.
The Fair has been celebrated since 1957. Tourism around The Fair is a main driver of the city’s economy during the end of the year. It is also known as the “sugar cane fair” (referring to a crop vital to the local economy) and “Feria de la salsa” (Salsa music fair).
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We need your help for funding for the 5:30pm tournament on Thursday, November 7th.
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Álvaro José Arroyo González
(also known as Joe Arroyo or El Joe)
A Colombian singer, composer and songwriter. Considered one of the greatest performers of Caribbean music in his country.
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Elements of Latin American Music
The Native/Indigenous Element of Dance
Wuauquikuna – brothers, real Indians from Ecuador, proud descendants of the INCAs.
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Elements of Latin American Music
The Native/Indigenous Element of Dance
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As we continue discussing different and opposing political and economic spectrums, let’s take a look at where you stand on your personal beliefs.
We all want the same things in life. We want freedom; we want the chance for prosperity; we want as few people suffering as possible; we want healthy children; we want to have crime-free streets. The argument is how to achieve them…
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Launched online in 1997, Politics1 is published as a non-partisan public service to promote fully informed decision-making by the American electorate. One of the pioneering political blog and news sites, Politics1 has drawn a sizable and devoted audience of political professionals, journalists, educators, and activists.
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Posted Dec 11, 2012
Latin music and the dances. We will be exploring the history and origin of the Latin genres. Genres such as bachata, merengue, and salsa were all once seen as “barrio” music and were stigmatized by white upper class people because of their African roots.
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Stranded on an island, a group of schoolboys degenerate into savagery.
Steve: Sir, are you the leader?
Peter: Jack is the oldest, but Ralph is the colonel.
[group voices votes for Ralph]
Jack: I guess you just won the election.
Ralph: It doesn’t matter who’s in charge. We’ve just got to work together. First, we build a camp.
CAVEAT LECTOR: You may find yourself agreeing or disagreeing with this video . . . where do you stand on this topic?
Though he never attained the highest office of his adopted country, few of America’s founders influenced its political system more than Alexander Hamilton.
“He who stands for nothing will fall for anything.”
Alexander Hamilton vs. Aaron Burr (CLICK HERE for PODCAST)
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