- Tag Archives Period 4
X LCD 24.11 European – Baile Española (Flamenco and Pasodobles)
Elements of Latin American Music – European Influence
The White European Element of Dance
Flamenco is an art form native to the Spanish regions of Andalusia, Extremadura ,and Murcia. It includes cante (singing), toque (guitar playing), baile (dance), jaleo (vocalizations), palmas (handclapping) and pitos (finger snapping).
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AP 23.343 Absolutism – The Russian Czar (Tsarina) – (Catherine the Great)
Catherine II was empress of Russia, and she led her country into the political and cultural life of Europe, carrying on the work begun by Peter the Great. She was an ENLIGHTENED MONARCH!
Under her reign, Russia expanded its territories and modernized, following the lead of Western Europe.
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