AP 24.1116 Nuclear Weapons – What if an atomic weapon were to detonate in your city?


The NUKEMAP is aimed at helping people visualize nuclear weapons on terms they can make sense of — helping them to get a sense of the scale of the bombs. By allowing people to use arbitrarily picked geographical locations, people will come to understand what a nuclear weapon would do to places they are familiar with, and how the different sizes of nuclear weapons change the results.



DIRECTIONS: See the steps below and go to the link to check how devastating an atomic attack would be.

1. Drag the marker to wherever you’d like to target. (Or type in the name of a city)

2. Enter a yield in kilotons (options given)

3. Basic options: Height of burst: Airburst, Surface, Casualties, Radioactive fallout (options given)

4. Click the “Detonate”

Simulate nuclear explosions in your city


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