AP 23.248 Mankind Story (Survivors 6)

canon gunpowder SurvivorsGold and salt in Africa lead to a vibrant trade between continents. Europe is reborn. Money flows into Venice creating new opportunities for entrepreneurs willing to take risks. In China, a new weapon – the gun allows a peasant uprising to unify the country. Chinese innovations inspire Europe, leading to the – printing press. Millions of books are printed, one of which will inspire a journey to the New World. Armed with new ideas and technologies, Europeans set their sights on conquering new lands.

Keys Include: Printing Press, Salt, Gunpowder, Gold, analogy, aristocrat, capitalism, commodity, elixir, industrial, nomad, prototype, renaissance

islam eductation DIRECTIONS:

  1. Watch the video link below.
  2. Answer the questions that follow or CLICK HERE
  3. DEADLINE: Friday, September 29 (MIDNIGHT)


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