AP 23.407 Mankind Story (New World 7)

Selected Stills; Shoot Day 26 of 36; Exterior Mexico 1487 AD - Tiahulcole (TAMER BURJAQ) the gladiator takes out four men before he is slain.

The Americas develop rapidly as the Aztecs build the biggest city on the planet. On the other side of the world, a Turkish sultan uses cannons to conquer Constantinople. The East feeds Europe with spices; explorers are driven to find new commodities and new lands. Columbus, Cortez and others reach the Americas, starting a battle for that continent. The consequences are dire for indigenous peoples.

Within 30 years the Aztecs will be conquered.

Keys Include: Cannons, Maize, Pepper, Compasses, Ocean Gyres, abundance, artillery, compulsory, conquistadores, ecosystem, empire, gyre, immunity, obsidian, sovereignty


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Review the past Mankind posts:
(Inventors 1)
(Ironmen 2)
(Empires 3)
(Warriors 4)
(Plague 5)
(Survivors 6)

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