AP 23.536 Challenges to State Power (1450-1750) – Fronde

The Fronde, (French: La Fronde), series of civil wars in France between 1648 and 1653, during the minority of Louis XIV. The Fronde (the name for the “sling” of a children’s game played in the streets of Paris in defiance of civil authorities) was in part an attempt to check the growing power of royal government; its failure prepared the way for the absolutism of Louis XIV’s personal reign.

Illustrative Example (p 88) –  Local Resistance

The Fronde represented the final attempt of the French nobility to do battle with the king, and they were humiliated. In the long-term, the Fronde served to strengthen royal authority, but weakened the economy. The Fronde facilitated the emergence of absolute monarchy.

More information on La Fronde:

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