AP 23.431 Christopher Columbus – Heroe or Villain?

The purpose of this post is to provoke critical thought on Christopher Columbus and his lasting legacy that we still remember (and debate) today. Whether considered as an explorer, villain, or maniac, many cultures and peoples have strong sentiments on his particular voyages and their consequential effects.

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The following are excerpts (primary document) from Columbus’ account (Columbus Complete Letter) of his discovery of the New World to the Royal Spanish Court:

“At daybreak great multitudes of men came to the shore, all young and of fine shapes, very handsome; their hair not curled but straight and coarse like horse-hair, and all with foreheads and heads much broader than any people I had hitherto seen; their eyes were large and very beautiful; they were not black, but the color of the inhabitants of the Canaries, which is a very natural circumstance, they being in the same latitude with the island of Ferro in the Canaries. They were straight-limbed without exception, and not with prominent bellies but handsomely shaped.”

“They show greater love for all others than for themselves; they give valuable things for trifles, being satisfied even with a very small return, or with nothing; however, I forbade that things so small and of no value should be given to them, such as pieces of plates, dishes, and glass, likewise keys and shoelace tips although if they were to obtain these, it seemed to them like getting the most beautiful jewels in the world.”

“This island is inhabited by a certain people who are considered very warlike by their neighbors. These eat human flesh. The said people have many kinds of row-boats, in which they cross over to all the other Indian islands, and seize and carry away everything that they can. ”

History vs. Christopher Columbus
Many people in the United States and Latin America have grown up celebrating the anniversary of Christopher Columbus’s voyage. But was he an intrepid explorer who brought two worlds together or a ruthless exploiter who brought colonialism and slavery? And did he even discover America at all? Alex Gendler puts Columbus on the stand in History vs. Christopher Columbus.


Pro Christopher Columbus (Italian American view) – Click on the following article:

Columbus – Fact vs Fiction


Christopher Columbus – Click on the following video

Columbus – The Hidden History

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