APS 23.30 Reflection before the start of 2023-2024 school year


Before summer break you were asked…

“Identify any challenges and/or obstacles that may impede (prevent) you from being successful taking an Advanced Placement (AP) course.”

Your responses were:

I may feel overwhelmed with assignments and may prioritize other classes.
Having a lot of work accumulated.
The stress may be a challenge
Maybe time away from school
I may have multiple ap classes so I might get overloaded
Not many, I guess one is my time management but I’m working heavily on thar
Maybe not remembering specific details about history
I sometimes forget to do some work
Procrastination and overwhelmed with work
I get distracted easily
Lack of motivation is a small obstacle that I usually face because every time I don’t finish a task at school, I feel a little lazy to finish it at home. However, this something I can improve on by creating a schedule for myself.
Some obstacles could be not understanding the topic and not asking for and not understanding some of the words of the topic.
Maybe not being smart enough for college level classes.
having undignosed ADHD so not being able to have the needed extra help and time for assignments and it causing me to procrastinate a lot more than a “normal” person.
I would say a lot of pressure
I never really was good at history back in middle school.
something i would have a challenge is turning in assignments but i would do my best to turn them in on time..
My handwriting is messy
I sometimes lack motivation or I procrastinate.
I’m not good a writing or working in groups.
Memorisation- I have few concentration difficulties else i’m a pretty good note taker! 😀
I think presentations maybe.
I haven’t learned a lot about history previously.
No issues
My reading
Nothing major other than me missing a few days of school through out the year
Well for having to share my options with others afraid they will judge and having to pretend in front of everyone

AP Warriors:

Start your sophomore year right!  Address the challenges and make the change


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